Robert Lougheed was a dedicated painter that lived and loved what he did. This book summarizes his passion to capture what nature had to offer, the collective effervescence of his surroundings. This book is a story worth reading and the visual treats of his creations a delicacy for the eyes. I believe this quote of Lougheed's sums up his dedication to his muse.
“This Morning, sitting around my studio are twenty paintings, some are of Quebec, some of are Ontario, where I was born, New Mexico where I now live, Connecticut where I spent my formative years - and they were well spent, western Canada where the joy of painting majestic mountains is recorded, and paintings of France where all artists should spend at least one month of their life, painting. “
“All of these works were fathered by me and now sit in front of me, finished and framed. I raised them and lived with them, I will miss them because they are my children. They have been a part of me and a part of my life. They were difficult at times, there were many problems, but, like all children, they grew up, and many of the rough edges were knocked off along the way, and I am now sending them out into the world to live on their own.”
Good luck to you, and may you not shame your maker. I hope you will make some people as happy as you have made me. Bon voyage and good luck. I shall miss you.”
Visit Claggett / Rey Gallery for viewing original work by Robert Lougheed or call 970-476-9350 for more information.
ISBN: 978-0-578-03970-1
Publisher/Author: Don Hedgpeth